In concert with the campus-wide initiative UConn Reads and inspired by the stories recounted in Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women WorldwideM by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, the William Benton Museum of Art presents Half the Sky: Historically. This exhibition takes place on the Benton balcony and consists of a selection of works giving historical perspective to the issues raised by Kristof and WuDunn.
Half the Sky: Historically runs concurrently with Half the Sky: Visualized, an exhibition of contemporary work exploring gender-based oppression on view at the Contemporary Art Galleries at the School of Fine Arts, Art Building from March 5 – April 19.
Abraham Bosse. French, 1602-1676. Le Mari battant sa femme (The Wife-Beater). Etching with engraving, c. 1633. Robert S. and Naomi C. Dennison Acquisition FundAbraham Bosse. French, 1602-1676. Le Femme battant son mari (The Husband-Beater). Etching with engraving, c. 1633. Robert S. and Naomi C. Dennison Acquisition Fund
Horace Brodzky. Australian, 1885-1969. The Expulsion. Linocut, 1919. Gift of Nancy J. Barnes in memory of Dr. Todd M. Schuster, Professor of Molecular and Cell biology, University of Connecticut.Käthe Kollwitz, German, 1867-1945. Raped (Vergewaltigt). Plate 16 from The Peasant War series. Etching and soft-ground, 1907. The Walter Landauer Collection of Käthe KollwitzAnna-Maria van Schurman, German-Dutch, 1607-1678. Self-Portrait Stipple and line engraving with platetone, 1640. Gift of the Members’ Fund and the Deaccession Fund purchased from Paul McCarron, NYC