We welcome class meetings in the Benton galleries or our virtual classroom that engage special exhibitions as well as the permanent collection. Faculty may schedule a self-guided visit, or work with museum staff to facilitate discussion and craft related assignments. For sample lesson plans and activities, visit our Instructor Toolkit.
Use the Request Form to schedule your class visit, which is required for groups of more than ten people (including self-guided class visits). Advance notice of at least two weeks is recommended to ensure availability of gallery space and personnel.
First Year Experience Instructors click here for this semester’s offerings!
Opportunities for Engagement
Critical Looking Workshop
Sharpen observation skills, practice empathy, and engage in critical thinking at The Benton. This 50-minute workshop facilitated by Benton staff shows students how to tap their powers of observation and investigate a work of art through close looking and discussion. Offered in the museum and online.
Engage Temporary Exhibitions
Whether your focus is a specific theme or the curatorial process, Benton staff are available to introduce temporary exhibitions and guide discussion. Contact us to receive advance notice of the Benton’s special exhibitions.
Engage the Benton’s Collection
Only a small percentage of the Benton’s permanent collection of more than 7,000 works of art is on display at any given time. Faculty may request objects from storage for class meetings at the museum. Explore our illustrated database or consult Benton staff for suggestions. When scheduling your visit, please allow four weeks if requesting objects from storage.
Asynchronous Content
Does your class meet outside the museum’s hours? Is your class size too large for a group visit? Benton staff are ready to help you craft asynchronous content, including the temporary display of objects from storage in our Study Gallery, recorded analyses of works of art, and related assignments.
Do It Yourself
Instructors are welcome to visit the museum with their classes during our regular hours. To ensure space will be available to accommodate your class, please allow us to add your group to our calendar by scheduling your self-guided class visit using the Request Form.