March 23 – July 30, 2017
Objectifying Myself explores work by women artists, created between 1968-2005, which serve, to some degree, as self portraits. But these “self portraits” employ surrogate objects rather than depictions of the artists’ faces or bodies. Artists in the exhibition include Judy Chicago, Louise Bourgeois, Miriam Schapiro, June Wayne, Louise Nevelson, and Kiki Smith. These works are on loan from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia (PAFA) which was founded in 1805 by painter and scientist Charles Willson Peale, sculptor William Rush, and other Colonial artists and business leaders. We thank PAFA, and especially David Brigham, Executive Director of PAFA and University of Connecticut alumus, for their generosity in collaboration.

“Phases of Conception W.P.I.”, 2000
Gouache, acrylic & graphite on Rives B.F.K. paper
Art by Women Collection, Gift of Linda Lee Alter, Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.
© 2000 Alice Oh

“Phases of Conception W.P.III.”, 2000. Gouache, acrylic & graphite on Rives B.F.K. paper
Art by Women Collection, Gift of Linda Lee Alter, Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.
© 2000 Alice Oh