August 30 – December 18, 2011

ICI has invited 35 curators from around the world to each select one single-channel video work, culminating in the four-part touring video program that is Project 35. Mining on ICI’s extensive international network of professionals, the project is a budding model for organizing, sharing and circulating art videos as cultural objects. In selecting works and inserting them into new contexts, ICI has borrowed from the organizing principle of montage. But Project 35 goes beyond this model of editing, and its final form is more open; it exceeds the limitations of montage, and bares greater potential for audience participation. Indeed, the selection process is deliberately idiosyncraticone curator selects an artist work and the compilation is organized along structural rather than topical lines. The result is a greater engagement from the spectator who will imaginatively produce meaning across the videos. The possibilities for decoding these works are infinitely richer, as the traditional boundaries between curators and audience become blurrier in this new type of montage. In turn, the distinction between producer and consumer fades out, giving rise to new possibilities and potential of video as a medium.