Giving Opportunities
Wills & Estate Gifts
You can choose to support the museum through a bequest from your will, or other estate gift. A bequest ensures that future generations will enjoy the art and programs you enjoy today. We invite you to consider a gift to The Benton in your own estate planning. A bequest may be a work of art or other tangible asset, a specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate. Your gift may be given for the unrestricted use of the museum or designated to a particular purpose. The bequest may establish an endowed fund to memorialize a specific individual. A bequest to The Benton Museum is fully deductible for estate tax purposes.
For gifts of dollar amounts or percentages of your estate, the language is:
To the University of Connecticut Foundation, Inc., for the William Benton Museum of Art.
If you wish to establish a named fund for a particular purpose, please contact us so we can make sure your wishes are properly carried out.
Works of Art or other In-Kind Gifts
For in-kind gifts of works of art to the University of Connecticut for the William Benton Museum of Art.
Please contact Museum Director, Nancy Stula at 860-486-1706, or Rachel Zilinski at 860-486-1707 for further information.
Planned giving through the University of Connecticut Foundation.