Dove Tower and Inverted Pyramid
Ilan Averbuch, 2004.
Granite and Steel.
Commissioned by the State of Connecticut, Department of Economic and Community Development, Connecticut Office of the Arts.
Averbuch said about this work: ”One of my goals with this project is to counterbalance the technical world of the students of the Information Technology and Engineering Building with a world of imagination and fantasy. The tower makes a historical connection to the function of the building because dove towers and doves in general, were an early way of sending information over a long distance. The project creates a complete array of emotional passages. While the pyramid offers a quiet and contemplative place to rest in, the tower unsettles us. Since the entire complex is leaning slightly, it creates a physicality at an odd position which makes us aware of our own bodies and the force of gravity that connects us to the earth.”
In 2005 this sculpture was awarded National Recognition to the Best in Public Art Projects Annually by Americans for the Arts (https://tinyurl.com/aboutdovetower).
More about the artist: http://www.ilanaverbuch.com/ilan-averbuch/