- Exhibitions
- Arpilleria
- Translation of Terms Used On Arpilleras
- Chilectra: Name of the Chilean national electric company
- Fabrica: factory
- La justicia no trans: no compromise on justice
- Libertad: freedom
- No al despido de los profesores: no to the firing of teachers
- No hay leche: no more milk
- No hay no: no more office hours today
- No mas CN: no more secret police
- No + muerte: no more death
- Olla comun: common pot (soup kitchen)
- Policlinico: poly clinic treating many health conditions
- Por la libre expresion: for the freedom of speech
- Poroto: bean
- Registros electoales: electoral registration
- Sindicato: union
- Solidaridad: solidarity
- Taller: workshop
- Todos juntos: all together
- Trabajo: work
- Zona de hambre: hunger zone