2025 Digital Media & Design Faculty Exhibition

2024 Studio Art + Digital Media & Design Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition

This biennial exhibition features new work by the exceptional artists and designers who teach in UConn’s Digital Media & Design Department in the School of Fine Arts. The variety of media featured reflects the diverse academic concentrations offered by the department, including Motion Design & Animation, Web/Interactive Media Design, Game Design, Digital Culture, and Digital Film/Video Production.

Public Programs:

Opening Reception: Thursday, January 30 4:30-6:30pm

Talk: Tuesday, February 4, 12:45-1:45pm
Arctic Shifts, An Art-Science Animation on the Changing Arctic with Anna Lindemann

Talk: Tuesday, February 25, 12:30-1:45pm
Digital Analyses of the 2024 Election with Dr. Miao Guo, Associate Professor of Digital Business Strategies, and John Murphy, Assistant Professor-in-Residence, Digital Business Strategies

Friday, March 7, 2:30-5:00pm
Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon, led by Dr. Kelly Dennis, Associate Professor of Visual Studies in Digital Media & Design

Featured Artists:

The DMD artists/designers/researchers included in the exhibition and events are: 

Ryan Brown  

Clarissa Ceglio  

Kelly Dennis  

Miao Guo  

Justin Liberman 

Anna Lindemann (featured artist) 

Catherine Masud  

John Murphy  

Samantha Olschan  

Zhenzhen Qi 

Ken Thompson 

Matthew Worwood  

Ting Zhou 

Polar bear looking into the ocean that displays the title "Arctic Shifts."

Anna Lindemann, Arctic Shifts (2024), Animation, Courtesy of the artist.

Circular pills arranged in order to form a series of phrases.

Samantha Olschan, EVERYTHING IS GOING SO WELL (2024), Inkjet Prints, Courtesy of the artist.

Contorted futuristic metallic structures with bright lighting.

Zzyw (ZhenZhen Qi & Yang Wang), Other Spring (2014), Video, Courtesy of the artist.

A series of word art pieces that use a variety of different mediums.

Samantha Olschan, TextPop (2024), Animation, Courtesy of the artist.

Polar bear on glacier that is breaking apart beneath them.

Anna Lindemann, Arctic Shifts (2024), Animation, Courtesy of the artist.

A screen shot of a game in development set inside a dimly lit marble interior.

Kenneth Thompson, Abrahamic Aleppo: Coffee and Puppets (2024), Narrative experience, Courtesy of the artist.